7 Minute presentation at the Gwinnett Chamber 28. February 2016 James Barber Training (0) I had the opportunity to give a 7 minute presentation at the Gwinnettt Chamber on 02-26-16. I really [More]
13 Million Dollars willed to a cat?!? 15. December 2015 James Barber Motivation, Time Management, Training (0) I have some friends whopost blogs on a regular basis. Doug Grady, Dr. Ivan Misner, Robert Mitchell [More]
Networking 101 10. November 2015 James Barber Networking, Training (0) If a person mentions the word network many people generallythink of computers. When we add ing to t [More]
Practice does not make Perfect! 3. November 2015 James Barber Attitude, Business, Consulting, Training (0) Have you ever heardthe saying, “Practice makes perfect?” I have heard this most of my life.Too oft [More]
Training for the Long Distance Run 14. July 2015 James Barber Business, Motivation, Training (0) Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid at FreeDigitalPhotos.net [More]
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