13 Million Dollars willed to a cat?!? 15. December 2015 James Barber Motivation, Time Management, Training (0) I have some friends whopost blogs on a regular basis. Doug Grady, Dr. Ivan Misner, Robert Mitchell [More]
JUST SAY IT! 25. November 2015 James Barber Attitude (0) What do you mean justsay it? Some people do notmind telling you what they think. It has been often [More]
Life is not fair! 26. August 2015 James Barber Attitude, Time Management (0) My wife, Brenda and Ihave 2 beautiful daughters, Rebecca Dempsey and Jesicca Prath. When they were [More]
Networking is a Waste of Time! 10. August 2015 James Barber Networking, Time Management (0) Some of youwill say, “You are correct, it was a waste of my time;” however, others are madas a hor [More]
Perfect Practice makes Perfect 14. July 2015 James Barber Business, Goals (0) Image courtesy of foto76 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net [More]
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